Expressions of Interest

We are looking for gardens 

If you live in Northland, have an epic sustainable backyard full of edible inspiration that you are interested in sharing with others, then the Northland Edible Garden Trail may be for you!  We want to share gardens that showcase techniques for growing fruit and veg and gardens with a sustainability focus such as saving and using rainwater, composting, worm farms and making the best use of your land for productive crops.  We are looking for a range of garden styles to share ideas that are relevant to a wide range of people from small city gardens, large farm gardens, rental properties with removable gardens, commercial gardens, school, community and Marae gardens.  We are looking for a variety of gardens with different points of interest such as greenhouses, herb gardens, rongoa, chickens, composting toilets, aquaponics, hydroponics and any other gardens with a fruit and vege focus that would inspire an audience. 

What it involves

The fourth Northland Edible Garden Trail is proposed to run in February 2025. 

Gardens involved will need to be open for at least one day of the trail and we hope to group nearby gardens to be open on the same days.  

Once a schedule is finalised, gardens will be placed on a tour map with opening hours and times (you don't have to open your garden every day of the trail). 

Someone will need to be present when the garden is open to host visitors. 

Gardens in the tour can also hold workshops, garden tours, talks or demonstrations around different aspects of their garden or share skills and knowledge that others may be interested in (e.g. composting, preserving, pruning, permaculture, food forest design).   We are open to negotiation around a surcharge for these events and will promote them on our tour map and timetable.

Some garden owners may also wish to sell produce from their garden, seeds, plants or refreshments (or partner with a like minded organisation wanting to fundraise). 

Who are we

We are a small group of Northlanders who love growing fruit and veges and want to inspire others to do the same. This garden trail is being run as a not-for-profit event.

Get in touch 

If your property is in Northland and you are interested in sharing your property, or have any questions, please fill out the expressions of interest form or email and a member of the team will be in touch.